Sep 6, 2020


I want to wake up next to you every dawn
See the morning light gently shape your face
Your arms around me and your warm breath keeping me alive

I want to feel the warmth of your legs wrapped around my body
The serenity and calm of your eyes in front of mine
Your soft mouth semi open, while I fight the urge to kiss you all over
The sound of your limbs stretching, after a good sleep
The little snores you do when blurry images take over your mind

I want to bathe in every tiniest detail, every little whisper and movement you do, sprawled across our bed, looking for silence and some tranquility
I want to be your sigh of relief, your peace of mind, your first breath after a dive.

Happiness is You, the first thing I see in the morning, You, the person I kiss goodnight

You, all of You.

